Single processor test suite - table of content :

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test set name: test1 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp01


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_ident, tm_set, tm_get, tm_wkafter


a. Verifies system can create and start both the executive's system initialization and idle task.
b. Verifies executive can swap between three application tasks at the same priority and the executive's internal idle task.
c. Verifies can print strings to the CRT on port 2 of the mvme136 board using Print and Println in the board support package.
d. Verifies interrupt handler can handle a task switch from an interrupt as specified with the i_return directive.
e. Verifies executive initialization performed correctly.
f. Verifies the executive trap handler except for the halt function.
g. Verifies that a task can get the task identification number of itself.


"TA1" is printed once every 5 seconds. "TA2" is printed once every 10 seconds. "TA3" is printed once every 15 seconds.

test set name: test2 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp02


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_ident, t_delete, tm_wkafter, t_setpri, t_suspend


a. Verifies that a task can delete another task and also delete itself.
b. Verifies that memory is freed back to the heap correctly.
c. Verifies that TCBs are freed back to the inactive chain correctly.
d. Verifies that a task can get the task identification number of another task.
e. Verifies the _Set_state routine where the task is not READY.
f. Verifies the break statement in the _Block_activate routine.
g. Verifies the while loop in the _Prev_tcb routine.

test set name: test3 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp03


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, tm_wkafter, tm_wkwhen, tm_set, tm_get


a. Verifies conversion routines - _Utd_to_etd and _Etd_to_utd

test set name: test4 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp04


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, tm_set, tm_get, ev_receive, t_mode


a. Verifies timeslicing ( all tasks are in timeslice mode ).
b. Verifies the tswitch user extension.
c. Verifies the no preemption mode.
d. Verifies time-slice gets reset even if only one task ready.


The task name and the current time are printed out each time that a new task is being dispatched. The configured timeslice is 100 ticks ( 1 second ); therefore, a task name and the time are printed once every second. After each task runs 3 times, task 1 changes its mode to no preempt and runs for about 6 seconds and then changes its mode back to preempt mode.

test set name: test5 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp05


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_ident tm_wkafter, t_suspend, t_resume


a. Verifies that a task can be suspended and resumed.
b. Verifies that a task can suspend itself.

test set name: test6 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp06


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, tm_wkafter, t_restart


a. Verifies that a task can restart a task other than itself.
b. Verifies that a task can restart itself.

test set name: test7 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp07


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_delete, t_setreg, t_getreg, t_setpri, t_suspend


a. Verifies that tasks can communicate with each other via the t_setreg and t_getreg directives.
b. Verifies that the highest priority task is dispatched to execute.
c. Verifies setting the priority of both a ready and a blocked task.
d. Verifies the deletion of ready and blocked tasks.
e. Verifies the tcreate user extension.
f. Verifies the tstart user extension.
g. Verifies the tdelete user extension.

test set name: test8 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp08


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_mode


a. Verifies every mode change possible.
b. Verifies the fatal error handler.

test set name: test9 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp09


ex_init, ex_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_create,t_delete, t_getreg, t_ident, t_restart, t_resume, t_setpri, t_setreg, t_start, t_suspend, tm_delete, tm_get, tm_set, tm_wkafter, tm_wkwhen, ev_receive, ev_send, sm_create, sm_delete, sm_ident, sm_p, sm_v, q_broadcast, q_create, q_delete, q_ident, q_receive, q_send, q_urgent, as_catch, as_send, as_return, rn_create, rn_delete, rn_getseg, rn_ident, rn_retseg, pt_create, pt_delete, pt_getbug, pt_ident, pt_retbuf, de_close, de_cntrl, de_init, de_open, de_read, de_write


a. Verifies all error codes returned by the executive in single processor configurations.
b. Verifies error conditions in the following kernel routines or macros:
_Ck_date_time, _Expired, _Q_submit, _Get_mnodes, _Get_node, _Free_mem, _Get_mem, _Valid_block, _Set_tcb, _Set_resource, _In_range, _On_boundary

test set name: test10 - there is no test10

test set name: test11 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp11


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, t_delete, tm_tick, i_return, ev_send, ev_receive tm_wkafter, tm_set, tm_get


a. This test checks out the event manager along with the associated event directives contained in the time manager.

test set name: test12 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp12


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, t_delete, tm_tick, i_return, sm_create, sm_ident, sm_delete, sm_p, sm_v, tm_wkafter, t_setpri


a. This test checks out the semaphore manager.
b. This test forces _Flush_taskq() to unblock a task waiting
on a deleted object.

test set name: test13 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp13


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, t_delete, tm_tick, i_return, q_create, q_ident, q_delete, q_send, q_urgent, q_broadcast, q_receive, tm_wkafter, t_setpri


a. This test checks out the message manager.

test set name: test14 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp14


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, t_delete, tm_tick, i_return, as_catch, as_return, as_send, tm_wkafter


a. This test checks out the signal manager.

test set name: test15 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp15


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, t_delete, tm_tick, i_return, pt_create, pt_ident, pt_getbuf, pt_retbuf, pt_delete


a. This test checks out the partition manager.

test set name: test16 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp16


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, t_delete, tm_tick, i_return, rn_create, rn_ident, rn_getbuf, rn_retbuf, rn_delete


a. This test checks out the region manager.

test set name: test17 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp17


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_ident, as_catch, as_return


a. Verifies system can create and start both the executive's system initialization and idle task.
b. Verifies can print strings to the CRT on port 2 of the mvme136 board using Print and Println in the board support package.
c. Verifies executive initialization performed correctly.
d. Verifies that a task can get the task identification number of another task.
e. Verifies that a signal can be sent to a remote task.

test set name: test18 - there is no test18

test set name: test19 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp19



a. Verifies system can dispatch a mixture of floating point and non-floating point tasks.

test set name: test20 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp20


rm_create, rm_period


a. Verifies Rate Monotonic Manager behavior.

test set name: test21 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp21


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_delete de_init, de_open, de_close, de_read, de_write, de_cntrl


a. Verifies all I/O manager directives always return successful for null drivers.
b. Verifies all I/O manager directives call and return from the driver entry points in the driver address table.

test set name: test22



test set name: test23 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/s23/


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_delete, m_ext2int, m_int2ext


a. Verifies the dual ported RAM directives work correctly.


test set name: test24 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp24


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_ident, ev_receive


a. This test is a cyclic version of test1. The times printed by each test should not skew as in test1 (see output section).
b. Verifies system can create and start both the executive's system initialization and idle task.
c. Verifies executive can swap between three application tasks at the same priority and the executive's internal idle task.
d. Verifies can print strings to the CRT on port 2 of the mvme136 board using Print and Println in the board support package.
e. Verifies interrupt handler can handler a task switch from an interrupt as specified with the i_return directive.
f. Verifies executive initialization performed correctly.
g. Verifies the executive trap handler except for the halt function.
h. Verifies that a task can get the task identification number of itself.


"TA1" is printed once every 5 seconds. "TA2" is printed once every 10 seconds. "TA3" is printed once every 15 seconds.
The times printed should be multiples of 5 seconds for TA1, 10 seconds for TA2, and 15 seconds for TA3. If this does not happen, the calendar time does not correspond correctly to the number of ticks.

test set name: test25 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp25




a. Verifies that the heap maintains it's integrity trhough a series on region_get_segments and region_return_segments.

test set name: sp26 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp26




a. task_is_suspended operates correctly.

test set name: test27 - semaphore flush test rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp27

test set name: test28 - task variables test rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp28

test set name: test29 - simple semaphore test rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp29

test set name: test30 rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/sp30


ex_init, ex_start, t_create, t_start, tm_tick, i_return, t_ident, ev_receive


a. This test is a cyclic version of test1. The times printed by each test should not skew as in test1 (see output section).
b. Verifies system can create and start both the executive's system initialization and idle task.
c. Verifies executive can swap between three application tasks at the same priority and the executive's internal idle task.
d. Verifies can print strings to the CRT on port 2 of the mvme136 board using Print and Println in the board support package.
e. Verifies interrupt handler can handler a task switch from an interrupt as specified with the i_return directive.
f. Verifies executive initialization performed correctly.
g. Verifies the executive trap handler except for the halt function.
h. Verifies that a task can get the task identification number of itself.


"TA1" is printed once every 5 seconds. "TA2" is printed once every 10 seconds. "TA3" is printed once every 15 seconds.
The times printed should be multiples of 5 seconds for TA1, 10 seconds for TA2, and 15 seconds for TA3. If this does not happen, the calendar time does not correspond correctly to the number of ticks.

test set name: test31



test set name: testfatal (deprecated) rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/spfatal




a. Verifies that the proper error is reported by k_fatal when a task exits.
b. Verifies that the task exitted extension works correctly.
c. Verifies that the fatal error extension works corectly.

test set name: spsize rtems/c/src/tests/sptests/spsize